Guidance and Counseling

Ms. Mae Rose O. Fulgencio, RPm, LPT, MA Psy
Guidance Counselor
- To provide individual and group counseling opportunities to students experiencing personal adjustment or psychological problems
- To offer prevention efforts to assist students in identifying and learning skills that will aid them in effectively meeting educational goals.
- To contribute to a campus environment that facilitates the overall healthy growth and development of students.
Services & Functions
Academic Counseling
Academic plans are developed and amended accordingly through individual counseling sessions, in order to meet each student’s needs and plans.
Developmental Guidance
Counselors meet with students in a group setting to discuss many issues: study skills, career exploration, college planning, bullying, and mediation
Personal Counseling
Both crisis and individual counseling is available at times for personal, family, emotional, behavioral, and substance abuse issues. Students and parents are welcome to make appointments for a personal guidance conference at any time. If long-term counseling is needed, the appropriate referral will be made.
Career Development
A comprehensive and developmental process of career awareness exploration, decision making, and implementation is provided for each student using our Career Center, Career Interest Assessment, Group Career Programs, and Individual Counseling.
Admissions to College
A developmental process involving scholastic ability and character. Information is available in the guidance office regarding important test dates, the college application process, financial and scholarships.
Assessment and Interpretation
Aptitude tests, achievement tests, qualifying exams, and career interest assessments are either administered and/or used throughout the year as tools for academic and counseling.